[EZLINK] Bussiness Objects and Cyrstal reports Professionals Required
Hi Friends,
Currently we are looking for Crystal report developers with the following Skill sets with around 3 years experience.
(a)Report development using Crystal report v10 and above
(b)SQL scripting.
(c)Able to code PL/SQL
(d)Development experience in Business Object Web Intelligence
Suitable Candidates please send your updated resume to vidhya@techcomsolutions.net
specifying your Current / Expected Salary.
Best Regards,
Vidhya Sridhar
Resource Coordinator
TechCom Solutions Pte Ltd
3, Shenton Way , # 24-03 Shenton House
Singapore 068805
Phone: +65-6223 5773 / Fax: +65-62231353
Email: vidhya@techcomsolutions.net
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