Re: [EZLINK] Re: Skype in Mobile
If you have internet then Skype will work - India or Timbuktoo.
However, please note that only skype-to-skype calls are free (does'nt matter
where these two skype users are). For skype-to-fixed line or
skype-to-mobile line is not free. You have to pay for that in certain fixed
currencies that is listed on This feature is called SkypeOut.
On 11/24/06, Shyam D <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does this Skype phone work in India. I mean - can I make a International
> /Local call from India?
> What about the bill for this service?
> Rgds,
> Shyam
> Indian HandyCrafts <<>>
> wrote:
> 1. Make sure you have internet on your laptop or Desktop Computer.
> 2. Connect to your mobile PDA ( O2 or HP ) using USB cable.
> 3. now internet will be available on your mobile.
> 4. Open internet explorer on your computer and go to
> 5. Download mobile version of Skype. Copy this file to your mobile.
> 6. Run skype installer on your mobile.
> 7. Now you can use skype on ur mobile either u use USB connectivity to
> your laptop or
> u use wireless internet on ur mobile .
> asnarivu < <>> wrote:
> Your handphone should have facility to download and work thro Skype
> and internet connectivity should be there for phone.
> To my knowledge, HP IPAQ's offer this facility.
> --- In <>, "Hotmail Sara.C"
> <csarav@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Group,
> > Could anyone advise, using Skype/Google Talk usage (voice
> conversation) in mobile phone?
> > Thanks.
> >
> > CS
> >
> >
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> >
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